Sunday 9 September 2012

Terror tower. Scarborough.

Terror tower. Scarborough.  
There were a steady stream of people entering theattraction thanks to the discounted two pound entry.
I hung back a bit before entering so as to be on my own.
Signs were warning that there may be live actor today. Italso promised a tour of genuine film sets.
After paying my two pounds I was told to read the sign onthe door then enter. It was the usual don't run don't touch anything typestuff.
I entered to a neon sign saying bates motel and a doorthat said shower scene. There was a shower and tilled room, however it wasdefiantly not the genuine film set. I moved onto the second room which had awoman in a wheelchair descending stairs toward me. It was actually quiteeffective.
There was next a corridor with elm street painted on thewall. At this point I should say I am not really sure what to think of theattraction.  It's so far been a bitrubbish but the woman in the wheelchair was pretty good.
At this point there was a red light on the wall with asign that said wait for the green light. I waited a fee minutes and the greenlight popped on. I entered a really quite detailed graveyard scene.  This room was well themed and quite large. Onthe left was a solitary figure in a scream mask. As I walked past the headturned to follow me. This was the live actor they talked about. It was a rathergood first use of an actor as it could have easily been an animatronic untilthe last movement at the end.
I moved onto the next room and ran into the peopleinfront of me. It was the end of the show so I waited for the next one. Thiswas Again a very well themed  room basedon a castle with a knight on a balcony, a model of the woman from the eing and atthe end was a larger balconywith an animatronic of Dracula. It did a small speech about Dracula which Ididn't really pay attention too until I heard.
.And consider this dismaying observation, i am sure ihave heard this somewhere before  itcontinues, this chamber has no windows and no doors... which offers you thischilling challenge: to find a way out! Of course, there's always my way..
The room went dark and lightning flashed to reveal ahanging man. Then the lights come on. I move on with a strange sense of Dejavu  
The next room is theme on Jurassic park. There are twodinosaurs in this room that light up a roar. Then a massive t Rex comes very close to you and two rather scary blastof air hit you while a photo is taken.
This room is, again very well themed and the air blastsare genuinely shocking.
At this point it is worth saying that the attraction ison three floors over two seafront units so there is quite a bit of stairclimbing and corridor walking involved.
Up more stairs and the corridor is themed to a prison andfull of smoke. A prison cell is next with the standard electrocuting prisonerand a terminator model. There is an audio countdown and, yet again it's allreally quite good.
Into the next corridor and the scream guy is there againand this time chases you into a room that says city morgue. This is a fairlydark tilled room covered in blood.  Inone corner is an alien creature behind mesh and three body bags hanging infrontof you. The bags start swinging and light flash in time to a banging technotrack. You have to push through the bags to continue.
This scene is similar to one in the haunted hospital atfuji q highlands. The addition of the techno music and a totally themed roommake this a very good room. I would say this was my favourite room of the tour.
Next up is a space ship themed corridor. You can call mea geek but I think a lot of the theming here used to be in the que for thesimulator that used to be next door. There are several aliens including a nice alien in a life supportsystem. The smoke gets thicker and thicker as you move to a hallway lot inred. 
There is  a loudchainsaw noise and you are chased by the guy in the scream mask. At the endthere is a door with a sign that says, caution street outside and you are backon the seafront.
So my thoughts in general?  Well I really didn't expect to like thisattraction but I was proved wrong!  Thegeneral theming was very good. There were very nice set scenes and the red andgreen light system works very well. It's certainly far above the usual seasidewalkthrough.
I would highly recommend a visit if anywhere nearScarborough. 

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